This is the most adorable, beautifully made summer handbag I’ve ever had! I love blogging and this is one of my favorite trends so far.I would definitely purchase something from this seller again. Love love love!!!
Given the nature of this bag, I was prepared for it to be sub-par quality but was pleasantly surprised! It came very well packaged and it's well-made. I've only used it a couple of times but had no issues and received tons of compliments. If you are on the fence, go for it! It's a great little summer bag!
I love love this ark bag! Awesome bag... awesome size!! I got the smaller one not biggest. This one is practical. It looks more like a handbag size. I've worn it for over a month and it's made very well. I would purchase again from this seller. Ty!
This bag is just perfect. Very good quality. It looks beautiful. I ordered the small size and its good for a large wallet, a cell phone and some make up. Super recommended.
Love this bag! I get lots of compliments. I can fit my wallet, phone and iPad, and a small makeup bag comfortably. I got size large.